Apr 27, 2009

Star Awards 2009: The Best Moments (Part 1) [Sore Loser Tay Ping Hui + Stressed-Out Jeanette)

This year's Star Awards was the best award show Mediacorp has ever had. Rarely was there a dull moment during the 3-hour long show full of surprising twists and turns. It was almost like a drama-packed reality show.

Let us now recapture some of the best moments...

1) Joanne Peh Wins Best Actress
We could see how uneasily happy Joanne Peh was. It was an awkward situation because this award sorta 'belongs' to Jeanette Aw.

Knowing this, the camera wouldn't stop cutting to Jeanette's reaction shots. Jeanette, of course, had to force one of those 'im-so-happy-for-you' smile while we could only guess how distraught she really was on the inside.

For a moment, I felt bad for Jeanette.

2) The set with Chew Chor Meng and Chen Li Ping
An illness has not stopped Chew Chor Meng from cheering it up with a light-hearted set with Chen Li Ping. All the best.

3) Jeanette Aw being cruelly perched on the "Top 10 Most Popular" cliffhanger by producers.

The Little Nonya turned into Little Miss Stressed-out when she was purposely set up to be the last one to receive the 'Top 10 most popular female artiste awards''.

The suspense that filled the air was crazy. Fearing for Jeanette, Chen Li Ping was seen grabbing tightly at Jeanette's hands during the whole time the final awardee was about to be announced.

All this while, the camera furiously cut to and fro from Fiona Xie, Michelle Chia and Jeanette.

The presenter finally broke the news that had Jeanette won the final award.

The actress then got up onstage and whined about how awfully she was being set up.

4) Not one, But TWO !

When we thought 'it was all over' for the rest of the best supporting actress nominees after Xiang Yun won, presenter Chen Mei Feng surprised everyone by revealing that there will be another winner for that category; Ng Hui.

Clearly shocked, the actress who played the loyal as a golden retriever ma jie ran up on stage in tears.

5) The sore loser face on Tay Ping Hui when Chen Han Wei won 'Best Actor'.

C'mon, TPH! Be happy for others!

It seemed to me that Tay Ping Hui wasn't interested in any other awards other than his own. It was all 'Memememememememe'.

He also seemed visibly irritated at Chen Han Wei's acceptance speech. Han Wei had said that he would win the award today because he had worn the black rose-bow tie.

Need I mention that Tay's eyes almost popped out when Qi Yu Wu quipped "Why aren't there 2 'Best Actor' awards this year?' (Btw that was Qi Yu Wu's "joke". No one was laughing.)

6) And The Winner is...Li Teng!!! NOT.

Presenter for Best Variety Host Zheng Guo Cheng sure fooled Li Teng by annoucing him as the 'winner', only to reveal moments later that he wasn't.
Way to piss off someone like that. I will re-watch the show just to see the face. LOL
Host Zheng Guo Cheng told Li Peng to go drink his mum's milk.

7) Quan Yi Feng's dramatic acceptance speech
About the tulmultous year she's had
, with her divorce...and errr...well just divorce. She sure made it sound much worse than it actually was.
I liked how she seemed to get off from airing her dirty laundry in public.

8) The silence which filled the room when Elvin Ng started spouting some cheem chinese idioms during his acceptance speech.
Suddenly aware of the audience's silence, he asked "Why so serious?"

So, are the awards this year well deserved? Comments Welcome.

(to be continued *with pictures* in the next post) Will dutifully dig up more behind-the-scenes dirt.)

*Do check back in a few days, I may upload the entire show.

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  1. A lot of nice moments there. And yeah, Tay Ping Hui keeps talking about himself.

    Read my own views here. http://loganized.blogspot.com/2009/04/my-views-on-star-awards-2009.html

  2. nice review :) my sentiments exactly, but din have time to blog about it. gave u a nice pong at ping.sg.

  3. This is a list of the things I found annoying about the show :)


  4. The nicest moment was the beginning when Chen Mei Feng came out..

    She put everyone of the young stars and old stars to shame...

    She's got the goods, the looks, the speech...

    damn.. we should import more taiwanese actress in..

  5. @ Wayang: lol thx wayang!

    @ anon:
    U like Chen Mei Feng? lol I found her amusing but my mum thinks she's too act cute.
