May 23, 2009

Spicing things up with Erotica?

This blog now runs like a local celeb tabloid. (Infrequent Updates Lately Due to School)

I want to add more spice onto this blog. Should I pretend to be some sexually active young girl so that a lot of horny people will keep returning to read my shtick?

What?! Erotic fiction sells! Who cares if they are fictional. Trust me, I write well.

Maybe I should get a REAL slut-whore to co-blog here :D


  1. can i can i co-blog lol?

    or u'd like to co-blog over at my side ;)

    whats with the angst anyway its friday!

  2. LOL, wayang sure you can. lol where ot angst, fake one lah.

    We discuss the co blogging next time. Now late already, sleeping:D

  3. i would love a co blogger to spice things up. Since i ve been a lil bz to blog here lately.
