Aug 10, 2009

Pay you $108 bucks if you missed NDP'09 & Singapore Idol 3

I'm Hi-card seller for singtel and was sent to this shop in Little India yesterday. Wow, Bangalas DO make us rich.

I missed the National Day Parade '09 and Singapore Idol because I was working from 3pm to 11pm.

That's like $13.50 per hour?

Pretty decent for student. Hahahahahahaha, as the hi card shop store boss was saying; "Eh, NDP my ass, I too busy counting money!"

That applies to HIM. I helped him do closing sales accounting and found out that the shop I mended PROFITED over $1000 on Hi-card sales alone!

But weather was horrid yesterday. The government did something;clearing the skies of clouds, to make 9 of August unusually sunny.

I ended up sweaty, dirty and smelling like one of those *I'm not saying anything*

1 comment:

  1. Profit over $1000 from selling Hi-cards alone??

    I considering switching jobs! haha
