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[url=http://www.internetmosque.net ] Compared Translations of the meaning of the Quran [/url]
How does someone become a Muslim?"
Simply by saying 'There is no god apart from God, and Muhammad is the Messenger of God.' By this declaration the believer announces his or her faith in all God's messengers, and the scriptures they brought.
For more details [url=http://www.internetmosque.net ]click her[/url]
All of us will die one day INCLUDING YOU.
so before you die you must find out where the HELL you are going too.
You must find out
who is our savior Jesus or ?
You may sleep tonight and never get up in the morning?
You may die today.
You may die within a week
You may die within a month
you may die within a year
you may die within the next ten years
one thing for sure
You will die
so find out how is our savior so that he may save you.
ReplyDeleteYou may probably be very interested to know how one can make real money on investments.
There is no initial capital needed.
You may commense to get income with a money that usually is spent
on daily food, that's 20-100 dollars.
I have been participating in one project for several years,
and I'm ready to let you know my secrets at my blog.
Please visit blog and send me private message to get the info.
P.S. I make 1000-2000 per daily now.
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wow everyone's hair is black.
ReplyDelete[url=http://www.internetmosque.net ] Compared Translations of the meaning of the Quran [/url]
How does someone become a Muslim?"
Simply by saying 'There is no god apart from God, and Muhammad is the Messenger of God.' By this declaration the believer announces his or her faith in all God's messengers, and the scriptures they brought.
For more details [url=http://www.internetmosque.net ]click her[/url]
All of us will die one day INCLUDING YOU.
so before you die you must find out where the HELL you are going too.
You must find out
who is our savior Jesus or ?
You may sleep tonight and never get up in the morning?
You may die today.
You may die within a week
You may die within a month
you may die within a year
you may die within the next ten years
one thing for sure
You will die
so find out how is our savior so that he may save you.