Jun 27, 2009

Michael Jackson's Dead? Rude S'porean Teens Don't Give A Shit.

One said he faked his own death, another just thought he was wasting alot of money on Plastic Surgery, and that his death will contribute to global warming.

Those who are 'sad' were smiling while being interviewed.


Hope RazorTv isn't an accurate representation.

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Anonymous said...

Wtf Singaporean teens.

Anonymous said...

The one who said he's contributing to global warming is so funny.

"because he's plastic.. just beat it!"


Anonymous said...

He got his white skin because of a skin cancel not plastic surgery idiots =.=

Anonymous said...

his skin is white because he bleaches himself or... inject some whitening substance into his body.

how come i dont see another skin cancer patients looking like him?

chill, everyone's entitled to their own opinion.

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