Jan 15, 2009

Tranny Attack: Grabbed My Friend's Balls and Refused to Let Go

Trannies Dancing in the moonlight

This happened to my cousin's friend. A while ago, during holidays, my cousin and his friends rented a chalet in Changi.

That night, they decided to cycle down to Changi Village to look @ transvestites.

When the friends reached the carpark area (where most of the transvestites 'hang out'), they decided to get off their bikes to take a walk along the 'tranny stretch of road'.

Then one of my cousin's friend spotted a chio-looking (girl?) a few meters away from him, and whistled.

It heard the boy's whistle,turned it's head, smiled and advanced toward my cousin's friend.

In a Man's Voice... "Hey boy,why u whistle? Wanna play with me ar ???"

"Haha, no la", the boy shrugged

The girl's voice was deeper than the boy's...

What happened next took that guy by surprise...

Out of a sudden that pretty girl reached into the boy's bermudas and grabbed his testicles with her sharp manicured fingers.

"Ow! Fuck u! Let Go!"

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" a wave of sinister laughter emerged from the girl's huge, resonating Adam's Apple.

"BITCH! Let go of my lam pa!!!!"

"Eh, Cao Arc KuA! Let's go him or we will break your ass!"

The girl shot them the defiant look.

"We will count to 3, don't let go and you'll be sorry"
The girl let go off his balls, finally.

The victimised boy hurriedly backed away and checked for the extent of damage done.

"Fuck off lah!"

"Yeah Fuck off! Or we will really whoop your ass!"

The girl then strutted away with a smug look on her face.I heard she even licked her fingers and mumbled "Mmmmm...Finger licking good." She was wearing 6 inch heels...

Don't screw with trannies!
FYI: all Trannies at Changi secretly carry a pen knife underneath their stilettos and would use them to hack off your testicles should you ever mess with them.

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