Feb 14, 2009

Pussy Farts...Afraid to ask

This happened 8 years ago...to ShellyBelly444...But heck it still made my day :D
"Ok me and my boyfriend have sex but when we do most of the time I get pussy farts!!! I can't help it really it's so embarrassing I can't enojy sex without worring about it. I guess air gets trapped inside or something aaahhhhh!! Someone help please is there anyway to control it is it normal? My boyfriend says he doesn't care about it but I do! it's totally embarrassing anyways someone right back please!!!!!! thanks!!!!!!"

A detailed explanation:Vaginal flatulence

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Anonymous said...

its called queefing.... search for some info then...

Anonymous said...

I don't think it's a problem as long as it's not happening very frequently. Believe me, your bf won't care about it, so don't be embarrass.

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