Mar 16, 2009

S. African gangs use rape to 'cure' lesbians

"They look for this dirty ugly old man, who was stinking rotten, and they made me suck his cock, and I couldn't swallow my saliva, I just felt like throwing up," recounted one rape survivor.

Another survivor said 'two of her teen daughters were raped because, as they were told, they would know not to become like their mother.'

'Homosexuality is still widely frowned upon in South Africa and Gang rapes by South African men trying to "cure" lesbians of their sexual orientation are on the rise.'

'The NGO said it handles 10 new cases of 'corrective rape' a week in Cape Town alone'
However, 'South African government said these crimes are not a priority.'

A South African man interviewed felt that the lesbians deserve such treatment:

"If they want to rape these lesbians, I can appreciate that" "It's just to let them know""That they must be str8"
"I have no time to rape them but
But if another guy wants to teach them the way"
"they must rape them"
"they must rock them"
"Once she gets raped by a guy
"i think she' ll want to know a way which is nice"

The Video of the Interview with the Rape Survivors Can Be Viewed On

Reference Source: MSNBC

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