Mar 31, 2009

How Gary Ng really looks like. (The Other One Used by the China Press is FAKE!)

This pic used by the China Press isn't really Gary Ng.
The guy in pic is actually that channel U guy, NOT Gary.

Gary Ng himself even said this guy in pic is too ugly to be him.

Hmmmm... Really? So how does Gary Ng look like?

Behold the Real Pic of his Face

Here are some screenshots I Super-Zoomed From one of Gary Ng's videos.

Gary's face

Gary Ng's Nose (Taken when he's licking the girl's bye bye)*giggles*

Gives You an Idea of how this guy really looks like.

To all the men reading this, Stop hoping that Gary Ng is Ugly and uses prostitutes for the videos ! lols

But some video got china accent leh... And the beer auntie talked about payment and how she won't let guys finish on her face no matter how much money they give.

Weee, I have the potential to become the new GutterPost, 3x bitchier and more sarcastic.

Fuck Gutter, Gutter stinks! lol

Subscribe to me. (i noe it's irritating to keep asking people to subscribe)
(I'll subscribe u back, just tell me under the comments)

Still dunno where's Gary's blog?
Leave a comment to ask :p

Continue to How I Fucked Your Mother---Starring Gary Ng

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Anonymous said...

wad his blog? i wan to know. thanks

minicharms said...

He looks just like a next door wanker.

AndyViciousCycle said...

Gary's blog

AndyViciousCycle said...

@ vestige:

lols, how to tell?

Anonymous said...

Actually wad u guys think of him? i find it too fake.

AndyViciousCycle said...

I tink maybe fake, maybe real. Some maybe fake, but the beer auntie is real for sure:D

Vestige said...

All the guys have that look mah :D

AndyVC said...


Not me.

Anonymous said...


Shinky said...


Anonymous said...

people! his website is


Anonymous said...


unzip password : mypiring

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